Jussie Smollett

Jussie Smollett is an actor and singer best known for his role as Jamal Lyon on 'Empire.' His career faced challenges following allegations of staging a hate crime in 2019.

Jussie Smollett: Marketing Powerhouse Report Summary

What's the Buzz?

Lights, camera, action! Jussie Smollett has proved he can captivate audiences beyond just his television appearances. This report reveals how his influence stretches across key consumer segments in the U.S. Buckle up, as we unpack the highs and lows of his marketing reach. Spoiler: it’s more than just drama!

Top Consumer Segments: The Star-Studded Lineup

When we look at the spotlight under which Jussie shines, several consumer segments radiate with significant engagement. Here’s a glimpse!

Segment Name Description Percentage of Customers Indexed Against US Population Overall Rank
#Ebony&Essence Older and below-average income African American households, predominantly led by single parents. 3.89% 407.0 1
#Soul&Spirit Renters in low-income African American neighborhoods, often with a high percentage of female householders. 3.20% 403.0 2
#UrbanFashion Upper-middle-class African American families situated in urban areas. 3.16% 370.0 3
#SoulRoots Small-town African American households yielding lower earnings. 2.40% 413.0 4
#DieselBlues Blue-collar mixed black and white neighborhoods characterized by low education and income. 2.52% 223.0 5

From #Ebony&Essence to #DieselBlues, Smollett’s reach not only resonates with diverse demographics but also highlights the rich cultural fabric of his followers.

Demographic Highlights: Meet the Audience

Smollett’s audience is a fascinating mix of ages, incomes, and education levels. Here’s the demographic lowdown:

Age Range Percentage of Customers Percentage of US Population Indexed to Population
25-29 8.99% 7.0% 28
18-24 11.15% 9.6% 16
35-44 12.77% 12.6% 1
45-49 5.90% 6.4% -8
65+ 4.73% 6.4% -26

Jussie’s active base runs the gamut with sprinklings of youth vibes (18-24) and some seasoned wisdom (45+). But it’s the young adults that are truly dialed in!

The Dollars and Cents: Household Income Insights

Inflation might be taking a toll, but Smollett’s audience shows resilience in their economic spectrum:

Income Level Percentage of Customers Percentage of US Population Indexed to Population
Less than $15,000 19.70% 10.9% 81
$50,000 to $59,999 7.87% 7.6% 4
$100,000 to $124,999 5.51% 8.8% -37

While many are making the hustle happen on less than $15,000, it’s clear Smollett’s influence is lingering in diverse income landscapes, making him a magnet for brands looking to tap into this demographic.

Educating the Audience: Academic Achievements

Smart marketing revolves around savvy audiences! Here’s how Jussie’s crowd stacks up educationally:

Education Level Percentage of Customers Percentage of US Population Indexed to Population
Less than high school 20.11% 12.3% 63
High school diploma 31.21% 27.1% 15
Bachelor's degree 12.78% 19.5% -34

A commendable portion of Jussie’s followers holds a high school diploma or less, showcasing opportunities for brands to tap into unique educational narratives. If education is the key to success, this audience is ready to unlock some doors!

Commute to Greatness: Transportation Trends

How do Jussie’s fans get around? Are they living that urban lifestyle or trudging the open road? Let’s break down their commute habits:

Commute Type Percentage of Customers Indexed to Population
Taxi 0.27% 169
Public Transportation 9.14% 113
Car 63.04% -14

Among the fleet of commuters, cars dominate, but a solid number opt for public transportation — showing they’re ready to hustle their way to the top, wherever that may be!

The Big Picture: Brands and Opportunities

This report reveals a great opportunity for brands looking to connect with audiences who are passionate, diverse, and engaged. Smollett is more than just a household name; he represents a growing demographic eager to be influenced across various platforms!

Call to Action: Ready to Dive Deep?

Unlock the full report and discover how leveraging Jussie Smollett's audience can enhance marketing strategies! With rich consumer data, actionable insights, and trend-forward demographics, it’s a no-brainer. Dive into the details, and let’s ride the marketing wave together!

For businesses eager to align with influential voices, or whether you're Smollett himself seeing how his audience embraces diverse narratives — get your hands on the complete report and tap into a dynamic community today!

Report Highlights ➡️
Jussie Smollett
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