When you hear the name Jim Jordan, you might think of politics, wrestling, or perhaps his iconic hairstyle. But there's much more happening here! In this report, we superheroically uncover the vast universe of Jim Jordan's influence across the United States. Just like a well-constructed wrestling hold, we've pinned down key demographics and consumer segments that define his audience. This ain't no armchair analysis; we'll take you through the ropes of data that could help brands—or Jim Jordan himself—capitalize on this reach. Want to find out more? Read on!
Segment Name | Description | Percentage of Customers | Indexed Against US Population | Percent US Population | Overall Rank |
M04 - #Kids&Country | Younger families working farming and blue-collar jobs in small towns and rural communities. | 0.0364 | 146.0 | 0.0253 | 1 |
L02 - #CornfieldCabernet | Farming and blue-collar couples living their best lives in the country. | 0.0306 | 145.0 | 0.0215 | 2 |
L03 - #CrackerBarrelBarons | Middle-aged and older rural couples in blue-collar jobs living iconic country lives. | 0.0257 | 142.0 | 0.0183 | 3 |
N01 - #DirtRoadDynasty | Older, lower-income families working factory and blue-collar jobs. | 0.0227 | 147.0 | 0.0156 | 4 |
L04 - #PensionPastures | Older couples in farm and blue-collar professions enjoying the outdoors. | 0.0232 | 141.0 | 0.0166 | 5 |
The data clearly indicates Jim Jordan's primary audience consists of younger families and couples who embrace country living, manufacturing jobs, and blue-collar professions. The top segment, #Kids&Country, showcases families that prioritize life in small towns, making them a prime target for family-friendly and agricultural-focused brands.
With the second and third segments like #CornfieldCabernet and #CrackerBarrelBarons, Jim has a significant hold on those classic, down-home rural values. If that’s what brands are seeking, they might want to look at ways to partner with him—we're talking about a full-bodied cabernet blend of marketing potential!
Diving deeper into the report, we discover actionable insights that reveal what makes Jim’s audience tick like a well-oiled engine. Here are some of the top recommendations:
These recommendations highlight the interests of Jim's audience, showing that they appreciate convenience, family-oriented options, and outdoor activities. Brands should be taking notes—you could say it’s a great way to "level up” their marketing strategy!
The demographics data adds another layer to the understanding of Jim Jordan's influence. A snapshot reveals a predominantly older audience, as seen below:
Age Group | Percentage | Indexed to Population |
75+ | 9.54 | 49 |
65-74 | 12.07 | 37 |
50-64 | 21.9 | 12 |
35-44 | 11.44 | -9 |
25-29 | 5.14 | -27 |
The audience is predominantly older, with 21.9% in the 50-64 age range. While this may indicate traditional values, there’s also a healthy representation of younger adults interested in his content. This presents brands with an interesting dual opportunity to cater to both older and younger generations. Imagine the conversations that could happen around the dining table!
As for how Jim's followers navigate their day-to-day life, it’s clear they prefer the open road:
Commute Method | Percentage |
Car | 85.11 |
Work From Home | 4.99 |
With the overwhelming 85.11% commuting by car, it would be wise for brands to invest in automotive-related partnerships or highlight travel-friendly products. After all, it’s not just about reaching an audience; it’s about getting them to your market's destination, too!
This report packs more punch than a political wrestling match! With an understanding of consumer segments, actionable insights, and solid demographics, you have a playbook for how to engage with Jim Jordan’s audience effectively.
Now, if your business is looking to tap into this market like a secret wrestling move, this full report is your golden ticket! Don't just sit on the sidelines. Whether you're a brand or an influencer, this data can help you form winning strategies that score big.
Ready for the full scoop? Don't just take our word for it; unleash the power of this information and watch your marketing efforts soar!