Jeffrey Wright

Jeffrey Wright is an acclaimed actor known for his transformative roles in 'Westworld,' the James Bond franchise, and 'Angels in America.' He is lauded for his versatility and deep commitment to his characters.

Unlocking the Influence of Jeffrey Wright: A Look at His US Reach


Get ready to take a stroll down Influencer Avenue with the primetime star of your favorite blockbusters, Jeffrey Wright! Known for his magnetic performances in hits like Westworld and The Hunger Games, Wright isn't just an acting dynamo; his influencer status is taking off too! With a fanbase as diverse as the roles he plays, the latest report breaks down the nitty-gritty of his US audience reach across several segments.

Consumer Segments - Who's Tuning In?

Diving into the demographics, we find that Jeffrey Wright's reach resonates strongly with several engaging consumer segments. Each of these segments brings unique characteristics and behaviors that make them valuable to brands contemplating collaborations.

  • #BigCityProgressives: Number one on the charts! This group consists of young diverse renters navigating the hustle and bustle of top-tier cities. They’re working low-paying yet creative jobs while striving for the American Dream (0.032%).
  • #Urbanists: These affluent young renters live in gentrified neighborhoods, making up 0.0358% of the audience. That’s how the cookie crumbles in the urban jungle!
  • #HighRisers: High-income young professionals, including the Warby Parker-wearing elite, favoring densely populated areas rank at 0.0279%.
  • #RaisingTheBar: Aiming high, this group includes well-educated renters in mixed-income neighborhoods (0.0371%).
  • #RisingProfessionals: Trendsetters and renters in prime locations stand at 0.0239%. It’s clear they love to live their best lives.

Demographic Breakdown

Wright’s audience isn't just diverse in segment, but in all the right demographics! Spoiler alert: his influence extends across age groups, family constructs, and even commute methods. Here’s how it all stacks up:

Age Range

  • 25-29: The leading age group at 9.88%, helping to mold the future of influencer marketing.
  • 30-34: Coming in close behind at 8.72%, this crowd is no stranger to the digital space.
  • 18-24: Another hefty slice at 10.24% embraces that TikTok energy, swinging into a lively mix!

Family Structure

Families in various forms are tuning in, with singles representing a whopping 42.93%. Meanwhile, married couples with kids make up 16.22%, proving that they’re up for checking out entertaining content together!

Home Tenure & Ownership

Renting reigns supreme here, with over 52.97% of the audience renting their living spaces. This isn’t merely a temporary phase; these participants have crafted a lifestyle in vibrant urban environments.

Transportation Choices

How do these fans get around? Mostly via car, as 61.08% admit to driving. But who wouldn't want to cruise in style while listening to the latest hits? Public transportation is also a popular pick among 12.48% of the audience.

Education Superstars

Wright's audiences are educated, too! With 16.38% holding graduate degrees and 24.61% possessing bachelor’s degrees, it’s clear they mean business — or at least they have in-depth thoughts about which 'business' to support.

Income Insights

Consumers under Jeffrey Wright's influence span a variety of income brackets. A notable 11.77% of the audience earns below $15,000 a year—a gentle reminder that influencers bridge gaps across all socioeconomic levels.

Why Jeffrey Wright Matters to Brands

In a world where marketing tactics need to land effectively, Jeffrey Wright’s unique ability to reach both urban niche audiences and more traditional demographics presents brands a golden opportunity. The audience is young, vibrant, and diverse, giving companies a chance to craft campaigns that resonate on a broad level. An influencer who speaks to current happenings, Wright is not only a master on screen but also a lighting rod for social engagement.

The Bottom Line

If your brand is eager to tap into the voice of today’s audience, aligning with an influencer like Jeffrey Wright could provide that fantastic “aha” moment. This report offers actionable data detailing how to engage these segments, making you want to jump on board to cement those marketing goals. With an influencer of such caliber, it’s not just fanfare; it’s the real content-driven deal.


The full report delves deeply into this rich pool of data, showcasing various strategies businesses can utilize and providing an even more detailed breakdown of how best to align marketing efforts with the Jeffrey Wright brand. Are you ready to step into the spotlight? License the full report today and let’s unfurl this influencer journey together!

Report Highlights ➡️
Jeffrey Wright
Influencer Insights

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  • Ranked Persona™ Segments - the world's first real-time segmentation model   ▶️
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