Nationwide AI Audience Insights

Audience Autopilot™ interactive dashboards include: 

  • The Strategy Map visual — a complete marketing strategy in 1 page
  • Persona™ Segments - the world's first real-time segmentation model   ▶️
  • Actionable Insights on Brands, Influencers, Channels and Interests   ▶️
  • Deep demographics summary charts   ▶️


Threadless is an online creative community that makes, supports, and buys great art. Thousands of independent artists worldwide submit their designs to be scored and picked. The designs that score the highest with our community get made into t-shirts, bags, wall art, and a wide selection of home, apparel, and accessory items. Founded in 2000, Threadless's goal has always been to support artists. From t-shirts, to adding home and accessory items, and now with our newest addition, Artist Shops - where people can create their very own online store - our goal has always been to help creatives succeed. When you buy from us, you support the artist who created the designs.

Welcome to the Threadless Report: A Snapshot of the US Customer Base

What’s This About?

Greetings, savvy marketers and curious entrepreneurs! If you’ve clicked here, you’re likely after some delightful insights into Threadless’s customer base in the US—a market filled with characters and brands that are as quirky as a three-legged dog trying to catch a frisbee. While you may have to wait for the punchline on that, you’re in for a treat with this comprehensive breakdown! What follows is a treasure map of information—consider it your X marking the spot for profitable partnerships. So, buckle up, grab a snack (maybe a Whole Foods organic carrot, or a delicious Pinkberry frozen yogurt—no judgment here), and let’s dive into the data dessert!

Acting Up: Insights Worth Their Weight in Index

Now straight out of the data oven, we have the weighted index! Think of this as the ice cream topping that makes everything taste even better. The brands with the highest weighted indexes usually indicate high popularity or engagement levels. Let’s dig into some stars of the show:

  • Electronics: Microsoft, scoring a whopping 428, proving it’s not just about software but about making waves in retail too!
  • Coworking: WeWork brings in a solid 347; co-working in a post-pandemic world is almost as cool as the cold brew from your favorite café!
  • Restaurants: Seamless with 315, knocking on the door of everyone’s heart (or stomach) as the delivery service everyone loves!
  • Fitness: SoulCycle at 280, showing that spinning in wicked shoes is still a jam!
  • Podcasts: Reply All and Radiolab join the mix, proving we can’t get enough of chatting while we multitask!

These movers and shakers are just the iceberg’s tip! There’s more to unravel, but let’s take a moment to appreciate that even activism organizations like Color of Change are striking the right chord with 243! Now that’s a cause worth cycling through!

Social Media: Our Playground

As we scroll (and scroll, and scroll) through the social media landscape, we unearth the juiciest nuggets of wisdom! It seems the brands that are taking ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ to the next level are very much alive and kicking:

  • Blogs: Writers of Color leading the charge with 292—a clear indicator that storytelling is king (or queen) in this digital kingdom!
  • Entertainment: Criterion Collection and Musicals like The Book of Mormon are charming us with their respective indexes of 227 and 206. You might say they’re “the theater majors who still got an A in life!”
  • Activists: Figures like Bree Newsome and Gloria Steinem remind us that social influence isn’t just from Kyiv or California, with indexes of 231 and 238, respectively. There’s more to life than brand promo; purpose triumphs!

Demographics That Speak Volumes

As we glide through demographics that would leave even the most seasoned marketers a bit starry-eyed, let’s unpack these astounding findings. The people that interact with these brands are as diverse as the buffet choices at a vegan potluck:

  • Ages and Interests: You’ve got social seekers, fitness fanatics, and culture vultures all circling around these brands, making for a melting pot of audiences who value experience over possession.
  • Influencers on the Rise: Academics and activists are taking the digital mic! The likes of Cornel West and DeRay Mckesson show that brains and brawn can coexist on social platforms. Knowledge is power, but knowledge shared goes viral!

Brand Value: More Than Just a Price Tag

What makes a brand valuable, you ask? Well, it turns out it’s not just about the dollars and cents. It has a lot to do with connections, customer loyalty, and emotional engagement. Let’s peek at some brands that have capitalized on this formula:

  • Whole Foods: With an index of 265, they have turned grocery shopping into a lifestyle statement—meaning you can be just as eco-conscious as you are caffeine-fueled!
  • Aesop: At 245, who knew skincare could be so chic it becomes a riveting topic at dinner parties?
  • JetBlue Airlines: A flying item on this list! With an index of 231, they’re soaring high, perhaps on the winds of customer service and funky ticket prices!

What This All Means for Potential Licensors

So here’s the punchline: whether you’re a brand looking to tap into these lucrative markets or an entrepreneur trying to decide where to place your chips, this report is your best friend—like the one who always knows the right restaurant for celebration dinners!

Why License the Full Report?

When you license our full report, you’re not just swapping cash for pixels; you’re investing in insights that can transform how you approach marketing strategies and customer engagement. Not only do you gain access to a treasure trove of data, but you also receive:

  • Deep Dives: Get into the nitty-gritty of engagement levels, brand sentiment, and demographic breakdowns!
  • Tailored Strategies: Craft marketing strategies that align with consumer attitudes and preferences!
  • Future Trends: Predict what’s coming next and how to ride the wave instead of being swept under!

Conclusion: Drive Your Marketing Machine with Data!

As we wrap up this ride through the wild west of the US customer base, remember that data-driven decisions are the key to navigating the complexity of today’s market. Let this summary spark some creative flames in your marketing strategies. Who knows? Maybe you’ll turn your business into the next household name! Ready to license the full report? Let’s get this pun-derful party started!

Report Highlights ➡️