Hampton Inn

Hampton Inn
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Executive Summary

Hampton Inn Audience Insights & Strategic Update


Welcome to the Hampton Inn Audience Insights & Strategic Update report, where data checks in for a comfortable stay and insights come with complimentary breakfast! This report serves up a buffet of actionable intelligence, offering a deep dive into the trends and strategies that keep Hampton Inn a favorite in the hospitality industry.

Actionable Insights

  • Mobile Services Superstars:
    • My Hearing Centers: Leading the hearing care category with a weighted index of 240.
    • Drayer Physical Therapy Institute: A health services leader scoring 177.
    • Southern Veterinary Partners & Pet Partners: Top performers in pet services with scores of 170 and 162.
    • Clean Juice: Dominating the juice bar scene with a score of 161.
  • Social Media Standouts:
    • Nashville, Tennessee: Travel and tourism favorite with a score of 162.
    • Bell’s Brewery & New Belgium Brewing: Breweries capturing hearts with scores of 160 and 149.
    • Cloyd Rivers & Three Year Letterman: Humor and satire leaders with scores of 159 and 152.
  • Professional Influencers and Fictional Characters:
    • Mike Leach: A professional influencer scoring 155.
    • Capt. Andrew Luck & Dwight K. Schrute: Fictional characters engaging audiences with scores of 155 and 151.
  • Event and Destination Highlights:
    • Bonnaroo & Grand Ole Opry: Events and destinations making waves with scores of 151 and 145.

Demographic Breakdown

  • Age Groups: Our customers span a wide range of ages, with notable engagement among those aged 35-44 and 50-64. Compared to the general population, we see a higher percentage of customers in the 45-49 and 65-74 age groups.
  • Income Levels: The majority of our customers have an annual income between $50,000 to $99,999, with significant representation in the $100,000 to $124,999 bracket.
  • Home Value: Many of our customers own homes valued between $200,000 to $499,999, with a solid segment in the $500,000 to $749,999 range.
  • Family Structure: Hampton Inn’s audience includes a mix of married couples with and without kids, as well as singles. There is a higher index of lone female parents with kids compared to the general population.
  • Education Levels: Our customers are well-educated, with a large portion holding a bachelor’s degree or higher.
  • Home Ownership: A significant number of our customers are homeowners, but there’s also a notable segment of renters.
  • Commute Preferences: Most of our customers commute by car, but there’s also a growing trend of working from home.
  • Urbanicity: Our audience is primarily urban, with a smaller percentage living in rural areas.
  • Occupations: Our customers work in diverse fields, including business/finance, engineering/IT, sales, and arts/entertainment/media.

Strategic Insights

Audience Autopilot™: Our cutting-edge tool providing strategic updates, ensuring Hampton Inn stays ahead in the competitive hospitality landscape.

This report is your all-access pass to understanding Hampton Inn’s audience dynamics. Dive in, analyze, and let these insights guide your next strategic move. After all, in the world of hospitality, staying ahead of the curve is the key to staying on top!

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